Publishing Post Pandemic: What Does the Future Look Like?

The publishing industry has undergone many changes over the past decade. While some segments that previously held the biggest share of the industry have shrunk to the smallest, newer segments have continued to bring opportunities. The industry has been continually seeing a massive shift in its primary sales channels, preferred formats, and consumer habits. Digital transformation in the industry by online publishers was already on a consecutive year-on-year growth. However, COVID-19 accelerated the pace of transformation as digital publishing transitioned from being a competitive advantage to being a necessity for survival.               

This white paper offers a single source for understanding the big and small changes in the smaller segments of the industry and in the industry as a whole. It sheds light on how consumer preferences have changed since the pandemic and how it has impacted digital and print publishing. To prepare for the changes yet to come, this white paper combines data on newly emerging trends across different sectors of the industry.

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