Trade Publishing


Trade Publishing

Trade Publishing

Evolving Publishing Demands

Trade publishers are challenged with scaling standards, an uncertain market, and evolving technology to meet readers’ increasing demand for appealing and interactive content. In addition, it is necessary to engage readers across different platforms while delivering a user experience that is fulfilling and reliably consistent. This may be daunting for trade publishers to address while maintaining an effective cost base. The need for low-cost, high-quality publishing services remains a constant operational challenge for the industry.

Amnet Solution

As a publishing service provider operating in the industry for more than 20 years, Amnet understands the unique needs of publishers across all genres. Amnet’s smartshore, full-service approach has provided support to leading trade book publishers, delivering quality solutions that augment the value of the content, improve time-to-market, and reduce costs.

In the new publishing economy, we believe that one size certainly does not fit all. Unlike many service providers who treat all genres with a standard approach, Amnet follows a distinct approach to each genre: scholarly monographs and journals; educational textbooks and assessment products; trade professional, fiction, and nonfiction works; and even self-published content.

Amnet’s digital strategy increases discoverability and facilitates omnichannel delivery of content that can boost revenues.

Fiction and Nonfiction Books

Our in-house team of designers and managers offer pragmatic solutions for fiction and nonfiction publishing with its two decades of expertise in producing and publishing through innovative strategies.

We offer end-to-end full-spectrum publishing solutions to convert your manuscripts into beautiful books.

We have you covered from project management, content enrichment, interior design, cover design, and distribution.

Children's Books

As a children’s book publisher you are committed to instilling a love of reading at an early age to set the stage for lifelong reading and learning. If you want to produce books that children are inclined to open again and again, you need a partner with creativity, understanding, expertise, and experience in producing books for young readers and expertise with digital content that addresses the growing demands of this generation.

Whether its picture books for early readers, chapter books for middle schoolers, or YA novels, Amnet has your back.

Amnet supports children’s book publishers with the following services: