Categories: Technology

Proofing Tools To Improve Publishing

[Approximate Reading Time : 4 mins]

Technology continues to revolutionize the world, and nowhere is this truer than in the field of publishing. Motivation, knowledge and creativity continue to be indispensable in the industry even as growth remains elusive. Industry growth as a whole increased at a decent clip in 2018. Beyond the scenes as well, collaboration between authors and publishers has been made easier with the author page proofing tool.

The old way of doing things was slow, tedious and cumbersome. The new author proofing procedure speeds up the process as well as introduces a suite of other advantages.

How Author Page Proofing Works

This enhancement of the proofing and corrections process allows authors to insert edits on live pages. The XML-first/digital-first workflow provides for instant corrections that are synchronized into the pagination. This instant communication between author and compositor allows for some significant improvements:

  • Quick comments on layout suggestions
  • Insertion or deletion of text, tables or images
  • Live changes in fonts,
  • Instantaneous corrections through a WYSIWYG HTML editor

How Technology Reduces Publishing Time

The author page proofing tool is just one way that advanced technology in the publishing field reduces expenses, labor and time to market. This user-friendly process can speed up the publishing process by weeks or even months. Due to its many features, it can also help produce a better, more accurate product. Better ways of printing, advertising and distribution further streamline the business.

Learn More

Amnet offers ProofOn – The author page proofing tool . This tool eliminates the need to wait for corrections from authors to be relayed. Moreover, the ProofOn tool automatically updates cross references. It also renumbers and relinks bibliography references as they are added or deleted.

For professional assistance in the field of publishing, contact us at Amnet. Our support team can introduce you to a better way of doing publishing. Learn how our tech-enabled services are integrated throughout the complete publishing process.



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