Measuring Success Through Author Income

[Approximate Reading Time : 4 mins]

In the past, success in self-publishing was often gauged based on the reputation and critical review of a book. More recently, author income has become a standard way to measure the success of an author and publishing firm. Discover how this new model has affected the way authors and publishers manage their projects.

The New Author Business Model

 There are many ways to measure author success:

  • Number of published projects
  • Audience and reach
  • Number of copies of books sold
  • Literary prizes and awards

However, nowadays many authors view themselves primarily as a business rather than an artist or professional. This independent mindset has given writers a whole new perception of their role and their definition of success. To satisfy this current trend of attitudes of authors, particularly those using Amazon ebook publishing, it’s important for publishing companies to create analytics that enable accurate measurements of author income as a measurement for success.

Measure Your Success

Whether you’re looking for ways to evaluate the performance of your publishing services or seeking solutions to assist your authors in reaching success, learn how Amnet can help you improve your business. Contact us today to learn more about how technology can help you reach your goals in author success. Find out how to measure, evaluate and improve the financial success of your authors today.


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