Mistakes To Avoid in Self-Publishing

[Approximate Reading Time : 4 mins]

It doesn’t matter if you’re a new author or an experienced one moving from the world of traditional publishing to self-publishing, there’s going to be a learning curve. Before releasing your first eBook, it helps to check out what’s been tried, to make sure you aren’t repeating mistakes other writers have documented and provided solutions to work around.

Common Beginner Mistakes

These mistakes are common enough you should be able to bypass them with the right processes:

  • Low quality control from lax editing
  • Generic cover designs that fail to set a book apart
  • Marketing that doesn’t identify its target audience
  • Waiting too long to publish a follow-up

All these mistakes can keep a writer from gaining traction in KDP and other catalogs, so you need to make sure you’re doing the research to sidestep these issues. With some, like marketing, you need a hands-on approach. Other mistakes like cover designs can be worked around by finding the right services to support your launch.

How Do You Know When To Publish?

The best way to tell when something is ready to go before readers is to get someone to read it. Make sure that you are also courting your own set of beta readers in addition to hiring the best author support services possible. To learn what Amnet Systems can do for self-published authors, check out the available eBook author services.


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